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Description: Translated from Le Modèle Réduit d'Avion, October 1953 (p. 8)

Mosca is a powered glider for the Jetex 50. It's a small craft, somewhat supersonic in its appearance, but having a quite adequate horizontal surface area of 3 dm2.

Some modellers contend that a small surface area results in a rapid ascent. By the same token, however, the descent is also rapid. On the other hand, it's claimed that a larger surface area produces a more gentle glide, but one that begins at a lower altitude. Even so, my observation with several Jetex 50 craft of varying surface areas but roughly equal weight is that the altitude gained during the powered phase is quite similar. Therefore, it seems to me to be preferable to increase the surface area in order to gain more time in the glide.

Mosca has the motor mounted in the upper part of the fuselage. This positioning has absolutely no detrimental effect on Mosca's flying capabilities and my fingers appreciate staying in the cool.


Construction is very simple. The built-up fuselage is designed for minimum weight. It is built around a horizontal spine of 1.5 mm. balsa. Glued to it is the perforated vertical spine, also in 1.5 mm. balsa. Take care that both webs are truly at right angles. Reinforcing the rear section, which is slender and fragile, are 1 mm. cross-pieces. The Jetex motor is mounted on a plywood platform.

The tail is made from 1.5 mm. balsa, sanded very smooth.

The wings are of standard construction. Ribs are in 1 mm. balsa, spars and leading edge in 2 × 2, and the trailing edge is formed from 1 mm. strip. The wings are glued to two blocks of 5 mm. balsa, integral with the fuselage.

Length: 30 cm.
Wingspan: 40 cm.
Weight, unloaded: 19 g.
Weight, loaded: 21 g.
Keywords: mosca jetex 50
Date: 03.01.2021 04:30
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File size: 27.7 KB
Added by: nitrocharged

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