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Description: A 352 Sq ins Flying Wing for power units weighing up to 2.1 ounces

EASY to fly, and simple to build, Ghoul III is the latest design by our well-known specialist contributor on tailless types - MM Gates. Why not try one for your baby class diesel or Jetex unit? Its high performance is equal to the best of orthodox designs.

Construction. The wing centre sections are constructed by cutting out the ribs and cementing them to the I in. square spar, then add L.E.'s and T.E.'s which are first roughly shaped. Outer portions are made similarly. The centre section block is made from laminated sheet, shaped to give the correct dihedral. Only the inner ribs of the outer sections need be set to allow for dihedral. All five sections of the wing should be very carefully cemented together, and the joints gussetted as shown on the plan.

Sew the rear undercarriage legs to the trailing edge and cement firmly. The nosewheel legs are pushed into the centre section. Cover with rag tissue, well doped and fuel proofed. Note that before covering, the washout will be insufficient, the tissue will induce further washout into the outer sections quite naturally.

Final adjustments should he made to the washout after doping; but before fuel-proofing. Fins and elevons should be cut from
lightweight 1/16 in sheet and added after covering. Care must be taken in setting both elevons to the same angle.

The method of pylon construction will depend on the motor to be used. This may be anything from a Jetex 200 to an Elfin 1.49.
Keywords: ghoul jetex 200 gates
Date: 20.02.2021 03:39
Hits: 3923
Downloads: 7
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File size: 34.9 KB
Added by: nitrocharged

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