I can attest that these sorts of models can fly very well. They are a good relaxation from making the more demanding rocket-propelled models and fun (and cheap) to make. They are also a good introduction into these sorts of models.
Way back in 2016, and looking for a suitable 'jet' subject (large area with delta wings) I put together a model I was also considering for Rapier power, as there was already an all sheet profile plan out there:
I left off the jet pods off but otherwise stuck to the old ('Model Aircraft'?) plan.
The capacitor could be hidden in the canopy:
and the motor hidden as a 'pusher':
The fuselage is foam with light thin balsa sheet sides ; the wings are thin insulating foam covered with tissue (both sides) with a balsa leading and trailing edges and the fin is 1/16" Depron. The elevons and rudder are hinged as a trimming aid.
It flies very nicely indeed, cruising around at head height in wide circles, though it needs a large hall or a very calm evening.
I might try Howard's Cutlass (I have the templates) as a relaxation from preparing and posting off Jetex.org kits (this 'lockdown' has been good for business) .